A LITTLE ABOUT SYCAMORE CHURCH: 1) LOCATION: Sycamore Church is located on Rt. 609 (Old Stage Road)between Sebera
and Lawyers Roads, Prince George, VA. 2) MEMBERSHIP: The current number of members is approximately 180 members
and growing rapidly. The average worship attendance between 1980 and 1997 was 65, however in 2001 we are averaging 100 in
worship and are preparing to build a major expansion with more Sunday School rooms and a 250 seat sanctuary. Fund raising
is currently in progress for the expansion. 3)HISTORY: Founded IN 1844 as a congregation of the "Methodist
Episcopal Church," Sycamore became part of "The United Methodist Church" through denominational mergers in
1939 and 1968. The original wooden Sycamore Church location was the site of Civil War skirmishes and feature in the famous
"Great Beefsteak Raid." The church was severely damaged, and in 1875 was relocated some two miles westward along
Old Stage Road. Timbers from the original church were used in construction of the new church. There have since been numerous
additions. The church was bricked in 1965. 4) MINISTRIES: Sycamore church is notable for it's rapid growth,
numbers of young families, children and youth, and it's music ministries. Not only are there two choirs: an adult and children's
choir, but there is also a bluegrass Gospel band named "The Gospel Messengers" which assist with evening praise
services. We have a Youth Group, and a very active "Sycamore Kids" ministry for elementary and middle school aged
children and youth. In 2001 we started Sunday evening celebrations called "Sweet Soul Song Cafe'" and "Candles
in the Wind", in addition to our 8:45 AM Sunday morning. Five Bible studies, including a Youth Bible Study" are
offered through the week. In October 2001 the pastor will start a 32 week "Disciple Bible Study I" series.
INVITATION: Sycamore has the earliest worship service in the county, plus an evening service. Whatever your Sunday
schedule, you can worship with us: at 8:45 AM or 7:00 PM. Sunday School for all ages is at 10:00 AM.